
KNET Human Resources makes use of the Assessment as a method of investigation as to provide information that the client companies would not be able to get through the traditional instruments of internal staff evaluation.

This activity took place on human resources company provides evidence about:

Behavioral characteristics.

Individual qualities.


Evaluation of potential and performance.

Planning stages

Set your goals with the client we proceed to the design of the Assessment.

The stages through which it develops are:

the identification of the professional reference

identifying the size / skills to be evaluated

the definition of the methodology and tools of observation


It follows, therefore, the implementation phase that develops through:

the identification of specialized assessors

the implementation of the evaluation sessions

processing the results and the drafting of specific reports side management and human resource side involved.

The advantages

Through this method, the company customer can become aware of the real human heritage present in its staff and, consequently, act with improvement actions and corrective obtaining considerable advantages:



Increased profitability of individual and collective performance.

Increased motivation and sense of belonging to the company.

Improving organizational performance.

Knowledge of its human heritage.

Creation of personalized development plans.

Knowledge areas of strengths and areas for development which characterize a given population to draw corporate training projects targeted.

Sharing by the Management of the methods of monitoring their employees.

Applied to the selection process favors the identification of talent on the market.



Individual awareness with respect to their strengths and possible areas for improvement.

Orientation to self – development.

Investment focused on their person which allows an acceleration of the professional and personal growth.

Realization of individual potential.

Increase individual motivation.

Application Scenarios

Company reorganization.

Corporate mergers and acquisitions.

Need to carry out the evaluation of the potential of human resources in the company.

Need to assess the real skills of staff and corporate business performance

Assessment of the business climate.

Compliance verification role job – person in charge

Motivational feedback.

Need the best possible match between the characteristics of the individual and the needs of the company.

Management career paths.

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Assessment Projects

Knet Human Resources, in order to make more effective the survey methodology of the Assessment, designed and structured six projects specific to certain functions and business areas:

Executive Assessment

Target company figures: TOP MANAGEMENT

Through this activity is evaluated in an articulate and objective a manager in relation to at least three dimensions: the ability to play a particular role or position, the potential evolution over time and the level of correspondence with a certain organizational culture.


Historic moment for the company:

Discontinuity company.

Significant change in strategy or in your organization.

In this perspective, for example, fall under situations such as mergers, acquisitions or buyouts, strategic repositioning or changing the business model, plans to enter new lines of business, markets or distribution channels, changes in the board in the top management.

Middle Management assessment

Target company figures: MIDDLE MANAGEMENT

Through this activity it promotes the professional development of those who aspire to play or already hold middle management positions, checking: skills, abilities, motivation, potential, ability of performing and other factors.


Historic moment for the company:

This method is effective at all times of the business life cycle:



Corporate restructuring

Junior Professional Assessment


Through this work we evaluate the introduction of young talents and promotes the development of those already present in the corporate staff.


Historic moment the company:

Such method is effective when there is the need to:

Find on the market young talents in order to train them to follow directives and corporate philosophy.

Evaluate the potential of the people jr existing company for purposes of professional development, attitude to the role and other factors.

Sales Assessment

Target company figures: SALES MANAGER AND CONSULTANT

Through this activity is carried out an assessment of the motivation, attitude to sales, potential, ability of performing and more, the commercial network.


Historic moment for the company:

Such method is effective when there is the need to:

Establish a sales network

Evaluate the performance of its commercial network

Assessing motivation and the skills of personnel working in the sales network

Digital Marketing Assessment


Through this activity will undertake an evaluation of the marketing staff “traditional” to understand and evaluate the hard skillssul theme of new technologies both from an operational point of view and analytical.

Simultaneously evaluating key resources about their leadership abilities and their capacity often related to the spread of corporate culture to all the resources devoted to marketing and operational, therefore, direct contact with customers through digital tools.


Historic moment for the company:

Such method is effective when there is the need to:

Structuring a marketing department with a strong focus on digital communication

Evaluate the key attitudes, organizational, for the dissemination of corporate culture

Organization Assessment


Through this activity it occurs accurately aligning strategies, people and organization providing the exact identification of the areas on which to work to get the desired results.


Historic moment for the company:

This method is effective at different stages of the business life cycle, when there is a need:

Reassess the corporate staff as a result of extraordinary operations

Check the potential and the results of a single business function

Identify the human resources that need to be removed to reduce the number of business

To evaluate the potential of human resources in the company or a specific function

Assessing the motivation of company staff

Evaluate the real corporate staff competency and compliance to the role the task being performed

Assessing the business climate

Improve the matching of the characteristics of the individual and the needs of the company

Evaluate career paths


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